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Skill level
Updated over 4 months ago

All riders, lessons and horses have been assigned a certain skill level in Hopoti to make finding and assigning suitable lessons and horses easy and simple for everyone. Riders can enter or change their skill level in the Rider details that can be accessed via the account's settings.

The initial status of an added skill level is unconfirmed. The personnel of a stable can confirm the skill level once an instructor is convinced that the rider has achieved the appropriate skill level.

The following skill levels are available.

0 | No experience

I have not ridden a horse before, I need assistance.

1 | Beginner

I can manage a horse at a walk and trot.

2 | Basic skills

I am familiar with various gaits, and I know my way around the arena. I know how to tack up a horse.

3 | Advanced

I am familiar with equestrian vocabulary. My technical riding abilities include leg yielding in trot and small circles in canter.

4 | Experienced

I can ride different types of horses. My technical riding abilities include shoulder-in, half-pass and counter canter.

The skill levels have been developed in cooperation with the Equestrian Federation of Finland.

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