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Updated over a week ago

Hopoti companies can easily promote their lessons available in Hopoti by adding a ready-made IFRAME on their website that displays information retrieved directly from Hopoti to every visitor. You can define the time frame of available lessons displayed and the language used. It is also easy to resize the element. A photo of the element, the example code and technical definitions can be found below.


<iframe src="" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" style="height:300px;width:100%;border: 0px none transparent;"></iframe>


Enter the Hopoti company’s URL here, e.g. RuohomaanRatsutila

Select the number of days with available lessons in the future to be displayed

The element currently supports language versions en and fi

The height of the element in pixels. The same value must be entered below (recommended minimum 250px)

The height of the element in pixels. The same value must be entered above (recommended minimum 250px)

The width of the element in pixels or percentage depending on the location of the element on the website (a width of 100% should scale the element with the reserved space successfully)

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