Buying gift cards and memberships is now possible on the businesses' own Hopoti frontpage if the business offers any of these items for purchase.
Buying a stablecard without booking a lesson is possible on the businesses' own Hopoti frontpage if the business has chosen so.
The frontpage of Hopoti businesses has been redesigned. In the future, you will find the same information more clearly, and you will also be able to purchase gift cards, memberships and stablecards through the frontpage.
Hopoti's redesigned frontpage and info pages provide a clearer and more accurate picture of Hopoti's features and services. Take a tour!
Clients of Swedish businesses are asked for new information before booking or paying for lessons. In addition to the rider information, gender and personal identification number are requested so that companies can report these as required to the local sports federation (Riksidrottsförbundet).
Buying a season in parts has been clarified, and all sub-options are now visible at once.
Management pages of Hopoti Business Accounts has been reformed and reorganized into a clearer entity. Management pages are now displayed in their own line on the menu, and "Invoices" and "Horsecare", for example, have been completely upgraded to their own pages. From now on, you can find the "Day planner" on own page called "Horse assign", and you will have a separate "Cards" page to manage all your cards (stablecards, gift cards and memberships). Also, on mobile, management pages can now be found in an easier-to-use drop-down menu.
Businesses can create gift cards and memberships for sale on the new Cards page. For example, gift cards can be used to sell well-defined experiences or just open amount to use. Memberships can be used to collect membership fees and can also be set up to provide tags for the validity of the membership. On the Cards page, you can manage cards for sale as well as cards already sold. Read more about Gift Cards and Memberships.
Businesses may allow the purchase of stablecards without bookings on the Cards page. Previously, "Show on frontpage" options have now been turned off for all cards in sale. From now on, the selection will be named "Purchasable without booking". If enabled, the card will be available for purchase on the business' Hopoti frontpage, even without any booking.
Updated over 4 years ago