In addition to Stablecards, you can sell Gift Cards and Memberships at Hopoti. All types of cards are managed in the company's Cards page, where all cards are created or edited for sale. Cards defined for sale appear on the frontpage of the company, from where you can go to a separate page to purchase them. Multiple cards can be purchased at once, and you can also buy them (if tags allow it) for friends or family. In the same Cards page, you can also see all purchased cards.
Gift Cards
Gift Cards can include anything you define with the price you set – just be ready to provide the services specified. Clients can't use gift cards directly for booking, instead redeeming gift card should happen in co-operation with the business, so make sure you specify redeem instructions. Gift cards purchased are paid out to businesses' bank accounts right after the payment, just like any other payment in Hopoti.
Select New Gift Card to create a new gift card for sale.
Name, displayed as the product name when a customer purchases a card
Description, a more detailed description of the gift card's content, validity and redeem instructions. You can specify the content for the gift cards like "weekend summer camp" or an open amount "200€ gift card to use for private lessons".
Price, one card tax-inclusive price
VAT, one card tax rate.
Valid, for how long the cards is valid from the time of the purchase (months, weeks or days) or the date until which the card is valid.
Tags - Card can be bought by, defining who can buy the card (default "All users", so everyone can buy the card)
It is easiest to track the gift cards purchased by customers from the same Cards page where the Gift Cards for sale are defined. Select Valid, Expired, or Used above the list to sort purchased gift cards by status. You can edit a gift card purchased by a customer by clicking on the card open for editing - this will allow you to edit the gift card's expiration date, amount used, or mark the card as used.
Also, customers' Gift Cards are displayed in the Customer window, and the company can only list those customers who have a valid Gift Card on the Customers page.
Memberships work in Hopoti by defining membership cards for sale. The card defines the benefits of membership and allows companies to offer their customers a whole new range of services - for example, by allowing an unlimited arena renting for members only.
Select New Membership to create a new membership card for sale.
Name, displayed as the product name when a customer purchases a card.
Description, a more detailed description of the membership, in which it is advisable to explain as clearly as possible what benefits and content the customer will receive when purchasing the membership.
Price, one card tax-inclusive price.
VAT, one card tax rate.
Valid, for how long the cards is valid from the time of the purchase (months, weeks or days) or the date until which the card is valid.
Tags - Card can be bought by, defining who can buy the card (default "All users", so everyone can buy the card)
Tags - By purchasing a card you get tags, lists all the tags customer gets for the validity of the membership. Upon termination, the card and tags will be removed from the customer.
It is easiest to track the memberships purchased by customers from the same Cards page where the Memberships for sale are defined. Select Valid or Expired above the list to sort purchased memberships by status. You can edit a membership purchased by a customer by clicking on the membership open for editing - thus modifying the membership expiration date or terminating the membership before the specified expiration date.
Also, customers' Memberships are displayed in the Customer window, and the company can only list those customers who have a valid Gift Card on the Customers page.