Update 2023-06-15
Updated over a week ago

✏️ Add lessons to a recurring event

Have you ever made an event only to find it has the wrong number of recurring lessons? No worries! From now on, you can quickly correct the situation by opening the event edit and selecting "Add recurring events" from the ৹৹৹ dropdown button.

⛺ Copying and editing camps

The perfect addition to this camp summer – now you can modify the camp program afterwards and copy individual camps as the basis for new camps. Explore the new options from the camp edit footer and via the ৹৹৹ dropdown button.

🗑️ Improved event deletion

Deleted lessons can now be selected even more precisely, and you can choose whether or not the customers will receive stablecard compensation. In addition, we are experimenting with optional email sending for the first time. This means you can choose whether to message customers about the change.

🎨 Refreshed Help Center

The Help Center has been given a new look, and at the same time, the content's findability has been improved. The articles now contain tables of contents and articles related to the topic. Next, we will start updating all the article contents.

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