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Rider Registration Form
Updated over a week ago

Waivers, Enrollment Forms, Disclaimers... The Registration Forms come in many names, shapes and sizes. With Hopoti, you can bring your version of it just how you need it. We still automatically ask all riders for Hopoti-wide rider information, but with the registration form, you can ask for other necessary information or ensure that the customer has received sufficient training, understands the instructions, agrees to follow the rules and understands the risks associated with the service.

✍️ This article will explain how to use your primary Registration Forms – which the customers are automatically asked to fill out when making bookings in Hopoti.

πŸ“ Keep in mind that Hopoti also supports all other kinds of Forms explained in the Forms article – these include Agreements, Surveys, Waiting Lists, Competitions and other Forms and Waivers.

βž• Create Registration Form

Head to Clients > Forms > Edit Forms and tap the Add form button to start. You can select Registration Form and start crafting the form for your business. You can draft the form as long as you like and save it in between, as Publishing is a separate option.

Registration Forms have a mandatory signature field, but all the other content is up to you – if you already have a Registration Form, it should be easy to recreate. You can learn more about Customizing your form from the other article, which explains all available options, like Signature Boxes, Options (Selections, Checkboxes, Radios), Questions (Text Fields, Areas), Ratings (Stars, Emojis), Text Areas and more.

βœ… Publish Registration Form

Before publishing the Registration Form, go to Business Settings > Forms > Registration Forms to enable the feature. After that, once you're happy with the form, when editing the Form, tap it as Published and Save.

Now, your Registration Form is visible and signable whenever customers are making their bookings through Hopoti and on your Hopoti front page's Forms section. When you open the form from there, you can also share a direct link to the form if needed. We also have a help article for customers on Filling out Waivers and Forms.

From Business Settings > Forms > Registration Forms, you can also select how long signed Registration Forms are valid, whether you always require the latest version and if you want to have a copy of the filled forms sent to an email address of your choosing.

πŸ“„ Check Filled Forms

Filled forms can be scrolled, opened and downloaded from Clients > Forms. Once the form is filled, it's safely stored in Hopoti and the unique PDF is created at the same time. This is sent as an email copy automatically to the customer and optionally to your business address. Other things to note when enabling the registration forms feature from Business Settings:

  • Clients – all the places that show clients, like event and client windows, now show the status of the registration form too.

  • Horse Assign – whenever you are assigning horses, we check if the client has a valid form, and if not, we automatically warn you about this.

  • Rider Experience – the booking process, frontpage, and calendar are all guiding the user to sign the registration form automatically.

It's important to note that booking and paying is still possible, even if the customer hasn't signed their registration form, even after multiple automatic requests from Hopoti. This is why we always show warnings and the status everywhere so that you can decide what to do – request the client to fill out the form on location or deny the service.

✏️ Edit Registration Form

After the registration form is published and customers have started to sign it, you can no longer change that version of the Form. However, you can tap the Duplicate button located next to the Save button – this will give you a new draft of the same Form, where you can make the required changes.

Once you are happy with the changes, you can tap the new version as Published and Save. The latest version immediately replaces the previous version, as only one mandatory Registration Form can be published at a time. If you have selected to require the newest version of the Form, all your customers are also automatically asked to fill out the new Form next time they make bookings.

♾️ Unlimited Forms & Signatures

With Hopoti Waivers & Forms, there are no limitations on how many forms you can create or how many signatures you can collect. We don't charge anything per signed form – everything is already included in our standard Hopoti pricing.

Legally Binding Agreements

E-signatures carry the same weight and legal efficiency as handwritten signatures and paper documents in most parts of the world:

EU – eIDAS Regulation – Simple Electronic Signature (SES)

UK – eIDAS Regulation – Simple Electronic Signature (SES)

US – ESIGN & UETA Regulations – Electronic Signature

AU – ETA & ETR Regulations – Electronic Signature

CA – PIPEDA Regulations – Electronic Signature

Certificate of Authenticity

Each digitally signed Hopoti Form is certified authentic through a unique document ID. This certificate provides peace of mind, verifying that your signed forms have not been modified after signing and match the original document signed.

Securely Stored in the Cloud

Every transaction on the Hopoti platform is processed by a closely monitored Amazon Web Services (AWS) server infrastructure, secured with Cloudflare firewalls and encrypted using industry-standard 256-bit HTTPS Encryption.


The information or features on the Hopoti site, help articles or other materials are for general information only and are not intended to serve as legal advice, opinion or tool. Laws governing the subject matter may change quickly, so Hopoti cannot guarantee that this site's information or features are current or correct. Should you have specific legal questions about any of the information or features on this site, or their suitability for your business, you should consult with a licensed attorney in your area.

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