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Updated over 3 months ago

Tags can be used to set restrictions and create definitions such as:

  • What events are available to be viewed and booked by certain clients.

  • The type of Stablecards available to certain clients.

  • Which Stablecards are applicable to certain lessons.

  • The type of lessons available to be booked due to a cancelled lesson with a Stablecard.

By default, all lessons are available to everyone and all Stablecards can be used to book all lessons. These settings are often not sufficient, and appropriate tags must be created to support a company’s operations and create an efficient sales strategy.

Tags allow companies to control their operations and sales as closely as required. Some companies feel that separating lessons with different prices, e.g. disabling using Stablecards for group and private lessons interchangeably, is sufficient. However, some companies require stricter rules, such as making weekly lessons initially available to a certain group or enabling the purchasing of Stablecards with family discounts for certain clients.

Creating tags

Tags are notes used to group various objects. You can create as many tags as you wish. Tags can be edited in several different views, such as the Events and Clients pages. The tag editor can be opened by clicking the button with the Tags icon. Each tag has a name and a specific colour. You can create, edit and delete tags in the tag editor.

Smart tags

In addition to the tags defined by you, Hopoti also uses smart tags created by the system that can be used to create different automatic client segments and other groups within existing tags effortlessly. The current smart tags are listed below:

  • All users, all registered Hopoti users are assigned to this tag.

  • All Stablecards, all Stablecards owned by clients and the Stablecards available to be purchased as defined in the settings are assigned to this tag.

There will be more smart tags later on, such as tags that indicate the age (minors, adults) and activity (has ridden in the past 6 months) of the clients, as well as a variety of other tags.


Once you have created your first tags, you can begin assigning them to clients. You can add and remove tags on the Clients page by clicking the client’s name and selecting the tags to be assigned. The client view can also be opened via other pages. All the tags created can be viewed in the Tags section of the Clients page, where you can assign several clients to a certain tag. You can also send emails to different tag groups on the Customers page in the Tags section.


In addition to the option to select the visibility of an event, tags can be defined in two fields on the Events page.

Tags – the lesson can be purchased
All clients with the tag defined in this field can purchase the lesson. In addition, the Stablecards owned by clients and Stablecards made available in the settings with the tag defined in this field are valid. The default tags are "All users" and "All Stablecards", so anyone can purchase events and all of the stable's Stablecards are valid.

All events are either public or hidden. Public events are displayed to everyone, but booking them has been restricted with tags. Hidden events are only displayed to the clients who are entitled to book them, i.e. clients who have been assigned to the required tag.

Stablecard tags received from a cancellation
When a client cancels an event in accordance with the cancellation policy, they will receive a single-use Stablecard that can be used to book a new event. The tags entered in this field will be assigned to the card. By default, no tags will be assigned, as the default tag in event booking is the “All Stablecards” tag.

Example - Group Lesson: The lesson is available for purchase by all registered Hopoti users. The lesson also accepts stable cards tagged with 'Group Lesson,' and if the lesson is cancelled, a stable card is provided, valid for lessons with the 'Group Lesson' tag.

Example - Coaching: The lesson is visible to everyone, but it can only be purchased by customers who have the 'Coaching group' tag in their details or have a stable card with the 'Coaching group' tag. If the lesson is cancelled, a stable card is provided, valid for lessons with either the 'Group Lesson' or 'Coaching group' tag.


Tags for Stablecards available to be purchased can be defined in two fields.

Tags – limit card buying
All clients with the tag defined in this field can purchase the Stablecard. The default tag is “All users”, which allows anyone to purchase the Stablecard.

Tags – Card is suitable to
The Stablecard is assigned to the tags defined in this field. The Stablecard is valid for lessons assigned to one of the tags defined in this field or the smart tag “All Stablecards”. By default, no tags will be assigned, as the default tag in event booking is the “All Stablecards” tag.

Example - Stable Card for Group Lessons: The stable card can be purchased by all Hopoti users, and it is valid for lessons with the 'Tags – limit buying' set to the 'Group Lesson' tag.

Example - Regular Customers Card: The stable card can be purchased by customers who have the 'Regular Customer' information, and the stable card is valid for lessons with the 'Tags – limit buying' set to the 'Group Lesson' tag. This way, you can create, for example, discounted ten-ride cards for regular customers.

The various uses of tags

Tags can be used in a variety of ways. The default settings, defined above, set no restrictions to the tags, so anyone can purchase any lesson or Stablecard. In addition, all Stablecards are valid for all lessons. However, unrestricted use is not always the preferred option, and the utilisation of Hopoti’s tags needs to be planned carefully. A few examples and ideas are presented below.

Regular clients and sales strategies

Assign the “Regular client” tag to all regular clients and to all lesson purchasing tags to allow current regular clients to book forthcoming lessons. This grants regular clients exclusive access to book seasons or places purchased with Stablecards for a couple of weeks before other clients are granted access. You can also allow regular clients to book events in a longer time frame than other clients.

The lesson can be made available to all by adding the “All users” tag in the purchasing tags. You can also control payment policies when making changes to the tags, for example, by implementing a two-phase sales strategy for the spring season as follows:

  • December: payment policy season – booking only available to designated clients.

  • January: payment policy season, Stablecard, single lesson – booking available to all users.

Advanced grouping

You can also create more advanced regular client groups. For example, if you want to create each group in advance, a specific tag for each lesson can be created, e.g. "Monday 5–6 p.m." or "Tuesday 7–8 p.m.". After this, assign the tags to the correct clients and lessons, and the lessons become available only to those in the right group.

If the visibility of the event is Hidden, the client cannot see anything other than their own lessons in the calendar. This is a convenient way of arranging exclusive pre-season sales, as clients only need to be informed that the lessons can be booked and paid for in Hopoti. However, there is more than one way of arranging this. Clients can also be added manually to the lessons, and payment plans can be created with the Invoices feature. Feel free to experiment with different options!

The events purchasing tags can include the “Small group” tag to indicate the price of the event that can also be assigned to the tags of a Stablecard granted due to a cancelled lesson. This allows the client to book an alternative lesson on a day other than the original day. Advanced groups can be deleted when a season has started, for example, to make the lessons available to other clients as well.

Sorting lessons with different prices

Let’s say that lessons with two different prices are being sold: normal-sized group lessons (less expensive) and small group lessons (more expensive). The ideal scenario is that the more expensive lessons cannot be booked with Stablecards valid for the less expensive lessons, and vice versa. Each lesson must be assigned to either the “Small group” or “Normal group” purchasing tag, as well as the corresponding Stablecards. This sorts the lessons and Stablecards in different categories.

Pay attention to entering the appropriate tags for cancelled lessons as well. If the “Regular client” tag of the previous example was accidentally assigned along with the cancellation tag, the Stablecard granted due to a cancelled event would be valid for lessons in both price categories. This would also occur if the “All Stablecards” tag was assigned to the purchasing tags of the event.

Want to learn more?

Do you know what you want to do, but you are not quite certain how to do it with Hopoti and the tags? Don’t worry! We are glad to help you plan an appropriate Hopoti sales strategy. The fastest way to reach is us via chat or email at Instructions related to tags can also be found in Hopoti by clicking the ? buttons.

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