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Updated over a week ago

Allowing your payments to be submitted via Hopoti makes your accounting effortless, thanks to the ready-made accounting material. You can download all the accounting material from a specific period of time and with your preferred settings from the Archive. The most common types of accounting material include Accounting report, Payments, VAT and Commission receipts.

Usually Accounting report (PDF) is enough as the accounting material and you only need Comission receipt (PDF) besides that. If needed, the list of all payments and the VAT specification can be viewed as a table directly via the Archive or downloaded as a CSV file. CSV files can be read by most spreadsheet programmes, such as Excel. Typically, these files can be sent directly to accounting. Commission receipts can be downloaded as PDF files and sent directly to accounting as well.


The Payments section of the Archive includes all payments submitted via Hopoti in a specific period of time. The following columns are part of each payment row.

  • Order ID, a unique identifier for every payment.

  • Reference, a unique reference number used in the transaction between the payment service provider and Hopoti.

  • Date, the date of the transaction.

  • Amount, the total amount including tax.

  • Commission, the share of Hopoti’s sales commission.

  • VAT, the applicable tax rate.

  • Payment method, the payment method used by the client.

  • Client, the name of the client in Hopoti.

  • Event, the name of the booked event.

  • Bookings, the total amount of booked lessons at once.

  • Due date, the same as the Date but with an accuracy of a day.


The VAT section of the Archive includes a VAT specification of all payments made via Hopoti in a specific period of time. Each VAT rate used by the company has its own row. A list of columns is presented below.

  • VAT, the VAT rate or VAT percentage

  • VAT amount, the proportion of VAT according to the rate

  • Total, excl. VAT, payments made according to the rate, excluding VAT

  • Total, incl. VAT, payments made according to the rate, including VAT

Opening a CSV file in Excel

CSV files cannot be opened directly in Excel, but you must use the Text Import Wizard to import the data correctly. Importing the data takes a couple of minutes according to these easy instructions 😊 The instructions have been created with the Excel for Mac 2017 version - more information is available in Excel’s own instructions (Instructions 1 and Instructions 2).

  • Open Excel and create an empty workbook.

  • To start the Text Import Wizard, on the Data tab, in the Get External Data group, click From Text (cf. image below).

  • Then, in the Import Text File dialog box, double-click the text file that you want to import (the CSV file downloaded from Hopoti).

  • Text Import Wizard step 1 of 3 (cf. image below). Set Delimited as the original data type, start import at first row, the file origin is UTF-8. Finally, click Next

  • In step 2 of 3 (cf. image below), set only Comma as a delimiter and a Quotation mark as a text qualifier. Finally, click Next

  • In step 3 of 3 (cf. image below), you do not need to make any changes. Just click Advanced

  • In the Advanced section of the Text Import Wizard (cf. image below), select Full stop as a decimal separator and click OK.

  • Go back to the Text Import Wizard and click Finish. Finally, Excel will ask you where the imported data should be placed (cf. image below). Select New worksheet and click OK

  • The Text Import Wizard has now finished and the CSV file has been imported successfully! You can now save the file as a normal Excel file and make calculations with it, and the special characters should function normally 👍

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