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Updated over a week ago

In this article:

  • Payment plans

  • Season bookings

  • Invoices

The invoices feature can be used to:

  • create payment plans when riders are added manually to events.

  • make season bookings by enabling payment in instalments or preliminary registrations with the payment of a booking fee.

  • create invoices, including recurring invoices.

All Hopoti invoices can be paid by clients in their own Hopoti profile, and the available payment methods include the ordinary payment methods included in Hopoti. Clients receive notifications about invoices via email and about approaching due dates via Hopoti, if they have enabled notifications.

Invoices sent by a company can be viewed in the Invoices section of the Events page. Companies can also choose to receive email about overdue invoices in the Payment email address defined in the stable settings.

Some invoices include bookings (Season bookings, Payment plan), that are first displayed as unpaid bookings in all Hopoti views available to companies and clients. Once the invoice is paid, the status of the bookings is changed to normal and confirmed. Unpaid bookings and related invoices are deleted three days after the due date and the unpaid places are automatically made available to be purchased.

Payment plans

When a company adds a client to a lesson manually, the Event view allows defining the lessons the client is to be added to and, if necessary, adding other riders to the lesson at the same time:

When the right lessons have been selected, the preferred payment method can be selected. Clients can be added to a lesson free of charge (no payment plan selected), the credits of the Stablecard can be used or a payment plan can be created. The alternative payment methods are presented below:

Click the Payment plan button to select the price and the number of instalments, if necessary. By default, there is only one instalment, but companies can define the number as they wish. The due date can also be changed before the first event of the instalment. Creating a booking fee is also possible in this view. A picture of the payment plan can be found below:

When a payment plan is confirmed and clients are added to lessons, invoices to the client are automatically created according to the payment plan and a notification of a new invoice is sent by email.

It is good to remember that invoices are not deleted automatically by deleting a booking when editing invoices and reservations. Instead, deleting an invoice also deletes all the related bookings.

Season bookings

Events can be purchased by three different methods in Hopoti: as single lessons, with a Stablecard or as seasons. When a season booking is selected, the company can enable dividing the fee into instalments according to the client’s wishes and accepting preliminary bookings with the payment of a booking fee. The settings can be changed when editing an event:

By default, the maximum number of instalments is one, which means that the entire Season must be paid in one instalment, but the company can enable dividing the sum into several instalments free of charge by increasing the maximum number of instalments. The default Due date is Now, which means that the entire season is paid immediately. Other alternatives include one Day, Week or Month before the first lesson of the instalment. Additionally, Seasons may also include a booking fee with the following settings:

The booking fee is always due immediately when making a season booking, and the actual instalments are due according to the selected due date settings. The booking fee is a part of the season’s price, so if the season has already begun when making the booking, a separate booking fee is not required. An event may be displayed to a rider in the following format if the Season is to be paid in three instalments and the booking fee is active:

The new features make selling seasons even more flexible than before! In addition, the Season selling method can be used to sell other events, such as camps, as it allows making summer camps available already in December with the payment of a booking fee, for instance.


The company's Hopoti pages include an Invoices page, where the company can view sent invoices, make changes to them, and create open invoices. The Invoices page has different tabs:

  • Sent - outstanding and pending invoices

  • Cancelled - invoices that customers have not paid on time and have been removed from bookings

  • Paid - waiting for action - open invoices that customers have paid but have not yet been marked as complete

  • Complete - paid invoices that require no further action

The company’s Invoices page includes the Add new invoice button, which can be clicked to create a new invoice. A picture of the invoice settings can be found below:

Most invoices include a certain amount to be paid and a single due date. However, the invoice can also be divided into instalments, in which case a separate Invoice with an individual due date is created for every instalment. Recurring invoices can also be created:

The invoice is repeated on a weekly or monthly basis, and it is possible to set either an end date or the number of invoices. A recurring invoice makes invoicing stall places, for example, very easy with Hopoti!

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