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Checklist for new Business Accounts
Updated over a week ago

Have you decided to start using Hopoti? Here’s a five-part checklist and some tips on how to begin using the service 👍

1 – Sign up for Hopoti

Review the section for business account holders in the Hopoti support and read the instructions from the Getting Started section onwards. These instructions give you a good idea of what Hopoti is, and you can set up a Hopoti business account and start experimenting and entering your lessons, horses and settings in the service.

2 – Payment agreements

Go to the Payments section of the business account settings. There, you will find instructions on how payment agreements can be made valid in a couple of business days so that you will be able to accept payments via Hopoti.

3 – Plan the implementation

When you are starting to feel comfortable with the basic features, it’s time to start thinking about how Hopoti can support your business in the best possible way and whether the new features introduced by Hopoti can be used to renew your company. The Online sales article introduces a lot of Hopoti’s features, and the Events article includes information about creating the actual events. A summary of the most important points regarding implementation can be found below.

Lessons and events

It is recommended to use Hopoti in organising all lessons and events so that your company receives the full benefit of horse monitoring data and online payment transactions. Invoicing stall places and indoor riding hall rentals can be done via Hopoti, so consider carefully whether your company has some unfulfilled sales potential!

Payment policy and settings

Do you sell individual lessons, Stablecards or entire seasons? Do you accept payments in instalments, offer booking fees or provide free lessons? What are your preferred cancellation policies and validity periods? It’s easy to continue using your previous payment methods with Hopoti while incorporating new experimental methods, and you can change the settings whenever necessary.

Lesson and card restrictions

Should the validity of Stablecards be limited to certain lessons? Do you want to arrange a lesson only for a certain group? Or perhaps you’d like to prevent booking a private lesson in place of a cancelled group lesson? These and many other matters can be tackled with Tags that enable businesses to set the restrictions they need.

4 – Define a schedule

As soon as your company is ready and the appropriate payment agreements have been made, Hopoti is ready to launch. It is up to you to define the schedule for advancing. However, it is advisable to first prepare your stable in Hopoti as ready as possible.

The recommended schedules and implementation methods can be found below. Please note that even if the selling methods listed below are deactivated, bookings can always be made with valid Stablecards. This means that if you add credits to a client’s Stablecard, they can start spending these credits immediately. Because of this, the implementation of Hopoti should be planned carefully and made in a single day when most of the stable’s clients have been added to the client list. It is also worthwhile to read more about the possibilities of preliminary clients, a feature that allows clients to register more quickly with pre-made accounts.

Mid-season implementation

  1. Lessons, cards and settings are prepared so that purchasing has been disabled with tags or by leaving the selling method unselected. This prevents the purchasing of places in lessons that are already full.

  2. The company is published and displayed in Hopoti.

  3. Communication about Hopoti to the company’s clients: all clients should register and add the company as their favourite. Once added, the client is displayed on the client list.

  4. When the clients are displayed in Hopoti, they can be added to the lessons already booked and any information regarding Stablecards, for instance, can be imported to Hopoti.

  5. When all or nearly all the clients are assigned to the appropriate lessons, the sales prevention can be disabled and all lessons can be purchased, booked and cancelled according to the stable’s policies. In this phase, your company may want to tell your clients that Hopoti has been fully implemented and that all bookings, cancellations and payments can be made through Hopoti.

End of season implementation

  1. All lessons, cards and settings are prepared for sales. If necessary, lessons can be limited with tags to be only available to current clients before making them available to all, for instance. Adding clients to lessons can also be performed manually, and a payment plan can be created for each client.

  2. The company is published and displayed in Hopoti.

  3. Communication about Hopoti to the company’s clients: all clients should register and add the company as their favourite. Once added, the client is displayed on the client list.

  4. When the clients are displayed in Hopoti, they can be assigned tags, such as current client, and any other related information can also be added. In any case, riders can search for lessons and purchase them directly via Hopoti after registration. From that moment onward, all bookings and cancellations can be performed via Hopoti.

  5. If the option of purchasing was limited to current clients and they have had an opportunity to purchase lessons, the lessons can be made available to all, and Hopoti will then be fully functional.

A completely new business

  1. All lessons, cards and settings are prepared for sales.

  2. The company is published and displayed in Hopoti.

  3. Go ahead and start promoting your lessons, as Hopoti is immediately fully implemented and all payments, bookings and cancellations can be made via Hopoti!

5 – Ready to go!

Appropriate preparations, plans and communications help companies join Hopoti effortlessly. We provide ready-made marketing materials to support our clients’ communication efforts, our support site includes a variety of articles for users and businesses, and our customer service is glad to help in all matters and issues.

We want your company to succeed in Hopoti as well as possible, so in addition to chat and email support, we are glad to help, assist and provide training via telephone or remote connections or in meetings.

We hope that this checklist is a valuable asset for you in joining us. If you feel that something is unclear or you want to provide feedback or submit a proposal, please feel free to contact our support. You can take these actions immediately via the discussions in the lower right-hand corner 👍 Welcome to Hopoti!😊

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